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Damon® Smile Benefits

March 8th, 2016

Braces have come a long way over the years. In the past, tooth removal was common, palatial expanders were the norm, and headgear and rubber bands were necessary evils to get the desired results. Damon Smile self-ligating braces have made those things distant memories.

Despite the competition from other clear braces and aligners, Damon has a proven track record, and the results of a side-by-side comparison between conventional braces and Damon braces were published in the journal Clinical Impressions.

The Study

The comparative study tracked orthodontic care of 132 patients, six of whom were treated with Damon Smile, and 66 of whom got traditional braces. The study also looked at treatment times (meaning the total length of time the patients wore braces,) the number of appointments they had, the quality of the results, and patient comfort.

The Results

Length of Time Wearing Braces: The researchers found that the patients who wore Damon Smile braces wore them for an average of 7.2 months less than the traditional brace-wearing patients.

Number of Appointments: Damon patients had an average of 47.8 percent fewer appointments.

Time Needed for Leveling and Aligning: Damon patients only needed 3.2 months for leveling and aligning, while traditional brace participants needed six months. That means the Damon participants required 46.7 percent less time.

Comfort Level: Damon wearers experienced 60 percent less discomfort than traditional brace wearers.

Results: Damon results were consistently excellent, with a score of 3.6 on a 4-point scale.

Other Benefits

  • Damon Smile braces use a proprietary technology called self-ligation. That means there is no need for the elastic or metal ties that are part of traditional brace therapy. The absence of any kind of ties means that patients don't have to have their braces tightened.
  • Damon high-tech lightweight memory wires work faster, so patients don't have to wear braces as long as they would with traditional braces. Memory wire technology also reduces the need for frequent adjustments at our Bridgewater or Halifax office.
  • A slide mechanism holds wires in place, but allows for freer tooth movement.

Perhaps the greatest benefit of Damon Smile braces is that, without the ties, patients are far more willing to comply with a more time-consuming oral hygiene regime. More thorough brushing, easier flossing, and less general tension in the mouth mean that better oral hygiene lessens plaque build-up, while helping patients keep their mouths healthier and cavity-free during the time they wear braces.

Greater self-confidence and improved self-esteem have the potential to change lives. And a healthy mouth and an attractive smile can do that! Ask Dr. Catherine McLeod if Damon Smile is right for you!

How are Damon® Smile self-ligating braces different?

February 17th, 2016

Braces don't look or feel much like braces anymore. New materials and techniques have made braces lighter and more comfortable than ever before.

One of the most intriguing developments involves Damon Smile self-ligating braces. You might recall that older style braces involved a lot of wire and rubber bands to keep in place. As teeth moved into their new positions, all that material had to be moved, too. In the meantime, the rubber and wire blocked toothbrushes and floss. In other words, it was really hard to keep teeth clean.

Damon Smile braces eliminate the connecting wires and rubber bands. Instead, one permanent component keeps braces in place. Self-ligation eliminates the need for headgear or external wires in most cases, making these braces a winner in the appearance category, too.

Avoid the Cutting Edge

Traditional braces pose a small but painful risk: you can catch your cheek or gum on the rough edge of the brace wires. Damon Smile braces have a smoother surface that significantly reduces that risk.

Because the braces self-adjust and move with teeth, patients need fewer appointments at our Bridgewater or Halifax office. They don’t have to come in for tightening or readjustments. Teeth can move into position faster with self-ligating braces, although this can vary by patient. Patients report the braces are pretty comfortable, too.

More Room to Move

Another thing we like about Damon Smile braces: they actually adapt to the shape of the mouth as teeth change position. As a result, Dr. Catherine McLeod won’t have to pull back teeth to create space for crowded front teeth.

If you need braces, you have a lot of options. There’s probably never been a better time to look into having your teeth straightened. Call our Bridgewater or Halifax office for guidance on the fastest and most effective way to improve your smile.

Valentine's Day History

February 10th, 2016

Valentine’s Day is best known as a celebration of love in all its forms. Pink hearts, red roses, and cute greeting cards adorn every surface you see. What many people don’t realize is that the modern Valentine’s Day celebration arose from a religious holiday.

St. Valentine’s Day was originally celebrated as a religious feast day in honor of early Christian martyrs. Three martyrs named Valentine were honored: a priest in Rome, the persecuted bishop of Interamna (a town in central Italy), and a saint martyred in Africa. This saint’s day was celebrated throughout Christendom, although it was removed from the Roman Catholic Calendar of Saints in 1969.

The origin of Valentine’s Day as a holiday for lovers began with Geoffrey Chaucer in his 1382 poem “Parlement of Foules.” Chaucer wrote, “For this was on Saint Valentine’s Day, when every bird cometh there to choose his mate,” and the modern romantic holiday was born. William Shakespeare and other writers mentioned Valentine’s Day as a day of love.

Valentine’s Day as we know it came about in the early 19th century. In Victorian England, printers began manufacturing small numbers of cards with romantic verses, lace, ribbons, and other frills. Anonymous Valentine’s Day card were a popular way for young lovers to exchange romantic sentiments in an otherwise prudish time. As the 19th century progressed, printers began mass manufacturing Valentine’s Day cards. People in the United States give an estimated 190 million valentines every year, and up to one billion if you count children exchanging cards at school! With the rise of the Internet, Valentine’s Day e-cards have become a popular mode of communication, with millions of e-cards sent each year.

The other items associated with Valentine’s Day include chocolate and flowers. The tradition of giving chocolates has been around for decades, and Richard Cadbury created the first box of Valentine’s Day chocolates nearly 150 years ago. Today, purchases of chocolate total over $1 billion in the United States alone, with 35 million heart-shaped boxes sold each year. Loved ones also exchange flowers, with red roses being associated with Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love. On Valentine’s Day itself, florists sell nearly 200 million stems of roses.

Although many people dismiss Valentine’s Day as a commercialized “Hallmark holiday,” it is beloved to couples and romantics across the United States and other countries. The team at Embrace Orthodontics wants to remind all patients that no matter what your celebratory plans, February 14th can be a wonderful day to celebrate the loved ones in your life. Happy Valentine’s Day!

Damon® Smile Braces

February 3rd, 2016

Until recently, the only option for people who need braces was the traditional type in which a wire threads through a bracket that attaches to each tooth. Both the wires and the brackets extend across the breadth of the mouth. Pressure from the wires moves the teeth into the proper position.

For most patients, traditional braces are far from ideal. They are often very uncomfortable for the patient because the ties that connect wires to the teeth prevent them from moving. Ties are used to create heavy force, but the force cuts off the blood supply between the root of the tooth and the bone surrounding it. Teeth can’t move until the blood flow is restored.

Damon Smile aims to guide teeth gently and continuously, and reduce the use of force. Patients have reported that the entire experience of wearing braces is a lot more comfortable. Proud to offer Damon Smile to patients, Dr. Catherine McLeod can help you better understand if it’s right for you.

How Damon Smile Works

Unlike traditional treatment with braces, Damon Smile doesn't require the removal of teeth or the use of palatal expanders. The system uses unique self-ligating braces, in which a specialized clip with a “door” replaces elastics or other ties. The “door” guides the archwire, and allows the teeth to move gently into the proper position. Because of the increased flexibility of the self-ligating brace, it exerts less pressure on individual teeth, and this means you won’t have to get adjustments as frequently.

Another advantage is the fact that the gentler, low-friction force means you won’t experience the long-term discomfort from intense pressure on your teeth, or the tight wires that are so common with traditional braces. Because there are no ties, Damon braces are also much easier to clean.

Three Components of Damon Smile

There are three components of Damon Smile that create faster results, require fewer appointments, and cause less discomfort for patients.

  1. Because Damon Smile doesn't use metal or plastic ties, there is no need to tighten the wire on the braces.
  2. Lightweight shape-memory wires allow teeth the freedom to move faster, without the need for as many adjustments as occur with traditional braces.
  3. Damon Smile realigns teeth and enhances facial appearance without extracting teeth or using rapid palatal expanders. The slide mechanism of Damon braces facilitates faster, more comfortable repositioning of your teeth.

Damon Smile technology can offer you the option of braces that require fewer adjustments, with less pressure on the teeth and the entire mouth. A discussion with Dr. Catherine McLeod will help you determine whether Damon Smile is the best option for you or your child.

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